SmartBoard Files

Friday, August 20, 2010

2nd week of lessons

Today was the start of my 2nd week and I'm reviewing from week 1 and adding in the instruments as a "Mallet Madness" style of rotation.
5th - used "Out Goes the Rat" to divide between woods, metals and skins
4th - planned to use "Listen" but time did not allow for today.
3rd - used "Go! Go! Go!" and "Fuzzy Wuzzy" to play and rotate around the set up.
2nd - today my 2nd graders came in super fidgety so we actually started class with "Jump Jim Joe" from the New England Dancing Masters. After getting our wiggles out we reviewed the Orff instruments and rotation and used "Go! Go! Go!" to rotate.
1st - we used "Welcome Back to School" as the rotation and playing song as well as rhythm echoing and other basic Mallet Madness warm ups.

I decided that I'm going to wait until next week to introduce "Listen" with 4th and 5th grade. (Maybe 3rd????)


  1. Have you used "Listen" yet, RaeAnna? I've used it twice already and it seems to fall kinda flat...

  2. Sometimes it does for me too - I have to modify it a little. Instead of doing it as a rondo form I sometimes just say the 3 poems and let the kids improvise after I'm done speaking. We talk about how they have to start and end on C but they can play whatever rhythm they want until I get to 8. (which is actually beat 16. I count to the half note.)
